The How I... Diaries

Adulting as a Creative in NYC: Interviews, Taxes & Mental Health

Season 2 Episode 2

The Holy Trinity...Let's get ready to RAMBLE! 

- Update on Full Time opportunity
- No longer moving??
- Death and Taxes
- The ever evolving creature that is mental health in your 20s

Connect With Me!

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:35:47
All right. We have another random update for since my last update. Things have been moving along in terms of moving full time jobs situation. Mental health is always an update and needing improvement. But anyway, here we go. It's been a couple months. Apologies for my chair squeaking in the background, but I've been wanting to get a new chair anyway.

00:00:36:01 - 00:01:00:20
But it is today is February 13th. I just got back from a tennis day road trip to the West Coast, which was really fun. Before then, I had talked to my supervisor about becoming full time at my contracting company. That's going okay.

00:01:00:25 - 00:01:32:28
Basically, we're all on the same page of like, Yes, we want you on duh, You've been here for a while and you're cross-trained and there's just some other complications, I guess, with and these are just like business things because obviously I'm contracted at this contracting company and then my contracting company has a contract with the client, you know, United Nations where I work.

00:01:32:33 - 00:01:55:27
So they're in this sort of period where they can't hire anybody because they're in negotiations or, you know, they're they're at a point where they're up for renewal or whatever it is. I don't know. I get it. It makes sense that they can't hire anybody right now. It's not going to be a forever thing. It's just a temporary thing.

00:01:55:31 - 00:02:25:24
And my supervisor said they just got to wait and they're optimistic. They don't see why they wouldn't hire me on. So, yeah, I left off on that note before I went to the West Coast. And then when I got I don't remember if it was when I got back from the West Coast or during the trip, my project supervisor or whatever had like text or someone had let me know.

00:02:25:24 - 00:02:57:07
It was like, Hey, you know, a colleague had let me know, Hey, just see, you know, this is happening, which might directly affect you being hired full time, which is fine. It wasn't super bad news. It just kind of teetered the odds of it happening in a different direction. Not necessarily Totally bad. Not necessarily totally good. I still feel confident in like my skill set and like me as an asset to that company or whatever.

00:02:57:12 - 00:03:31:12
But it's interesting in terms of like I personally feel like these things always happen to me where, you know, I believe in the universe. It's never no, it's either. Yes, not right now or I have something better. And maybe this is a situation where it's like, Hey, I know you're really interested in this and etc., but maybe I think that I have something else you should consider that might pan out better in several more aspects.

00:03:31:12 - 00:03:54:18
So that happened. Find out that news and then I kid you not within like a day later, one of my supervisors from another gig I do had reached out to me and was like, my God, one of my clients and somebody I used to work for was speaking to me in passing and he was like, Hey, we need a post-production coordinator.

00:03:54:18 - 00:04:15:20
Do you know anybody? And he mentioned my name and I was like, my God, thank you once again. That is literally how this industry works. If you don't believe it. I don't I don't know what else you know, what other proof you're looking for. But this is literally how things happen. Anyway, that happened and I was like, Yeah, can you put me in contact?

00:04:15:25 - 00:04:40:03
He put me in contact, sent me over my resume. That was last week. So I'm still kind of it's still early to hear back directly from him or this new person. So that's on the horizon, which is great. I'm overall feeling good. I think it's worth you know, I was initially very like, my God, I need to move financial.

00:04:40:08 - 00:05:07:41
You know, I'm comfortable now, but student loans are scary. I don't want to do that sort of thing. And I'm also getting older and older. I'm turning 25 like Primary River or Catherine anyway. But that whole thing of like I'm getting kicked off my parents insurance within the next year and, you know, real adult things, real life transitions.

00:05:07:46 - 00:05:34:23
I was like, I'm never going to be able to move home and have this opportunity to save money ever again. And because I never move home after college, I went right into the workforce and had a little bit of money saved. But, you know, it's hard. It's hard. I'm not trying to sound privileged or, you know, that I don't appreciate the state that I'm in because I know some people are in a lot more detrimental situations.

00:05:34:28 - 00:05:56:27
I'm still very thankful for my time. But if I can make a smarter decision here and there, that would be great. And that's all I was wanting to do with moving. But I with all these this new information have been like, Ooh, maybe the universe is trying to tell me something. And like, you know, because it's also my career is I not stay.

00:05:56:28 - 00:06:25:51
But that's just also something to think about. And right now maybe I can find a happy medium of investing in my career, like long term career and at the same time be financially stable and complete the goals, the financial goals that I was wanting to complete, moving home. Well, you know, I can complete those making this, you know, long term career change transition.

00:06:25:51 - 00:06:57:07
I don't know how I should describe it, but feeling good about that feeling, okay, tax season is old. So here the last episode or last episode of the previous season or whatever you want to call it, I was like, I'm going to do an update how much I made. I never did that. Long story short, last year on paper I made or total, I made 45,000.

00:06:57:12 - 00:07:28:24
On paper it's different. Just because when you're 1099, your deductions count as a loss against you. So technically on paper, since I had $15,000 worth of deductions out of the $45,000 that I made on paper profit loss comparison relationship, whatever, I only made, you know, like my W or I forget what the tax form is that, you know, the income tax form says I only made like 30,000 this year.

00:07:28:24 - 00:08:01:54
I'm just about to start doing my taxes. I made almost 70,000 on my W2 freelance and another in between five and 10,000 on my 1099 contract work. I still do so very thankful, very comfortable. I like nearly doubled what I made last year, which is awesome. And yeah, I'm excited to see. I hope my taxes aren't complicated. I don't think they're going to be as complicated as last time, but whatever.

00:08:01:58 - 00:08:25:45
Yeah, time off was nice. I have been struggling lately. Also. It's just me letting my self rest. Like, even on the trips that I went on, I still did work. And it's like Catherine, like, calm down. You don't have to be doing everything and, you know, being productive every single fucking second of every single day. She's been struggling with that.

00:08:25:49 - 00:08:46:17
Like today I'm working from home, but I or I'm not working from home. It's a snow day here in New York and I had work and then the clients finished early. And my boss yesterday was like, Hey, you don't to come in. And I was like, okay. And then I could have told my other job I was available.

00:08:46:17 - 00:09:07:18
But I was like, You know what? It's going to snow anyway. I could use a day off because I'm going to be working through the week next weekend. And you know, overtime and stuff. But even on my day off today, I'm doing like creative stuff for my other side gigs and I'm doing this and I'm feeling good about it.

00:09:07:22 - 00:09:41:04
The sun is out, which gives me a lot of motivation, hence why I was physically able to get up and do this. So that is an ongoing, always trying to improve mental health and stuff like that. It's just hard. I'm sure other people can relate, but other than that, that's just an update. Right now I am kind of doing these updates just for myself and I really want to get back into this as I keep repeating.

00:09:41:04 - 00:10:15:18
And it's hard to like content creation is so like it. Obviously the social media and everything like people do. This is jobs now and it puts a lot of pressure on the quality and and that sort of thing, which in turn kind of overwhelms me and is another factor of like, I don't want to do this and put this content out if it's not, you know, 100% perfect, 100% thought out and amazing.

00:10:15:18 - 00:10:52:28
And, you know, I'm human, too. And I think that's what I want to convey a lot more. So whether you find this interesting, I still stress if, you know, you want to talk about these things, you can always reach out to me on my Instagram posting a lot more on there. And yeah, and just furthering making this a community of like minded creatives in these situations, these real life adult situations so that is all I wanted to talk about on my sticky note for today.

00:10:52:33 - 00:11:01:22
And yeah, happy New Year. Happy February. Stay tuned. Fingers crossed. Goodbye.