The How I... Diaries

What I've Been Up To...AN UPDATE!

• Catherine • Season 2 • Episode 1

Let's call this the start of Season 2...😅

Today's Ramble:
- Depression!
- I'm moving
- Full Time job opportunity
- Recording video??

Connect With Me!

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:04
This is so random. This is literally so random. I'm on the floor of my room. Nobody's home. It's a quarter to five. It's almost pitch black out. And I got a random burst of creativity and inspiration, which has not happened in a while. Well, I've continually still been very excited and passionate about this page and the podcast and all of that stuff.

00:00:29:13 - 00:00:55:20
I just haven't had the motivation to actually put it into action. So that's what I mean, where the ideas have been spinning and constant. Just the actual get up and go do it has been a really big struggle for me. So yeah, I've just been like so unmotivated. and lack for a better term. Is that how you say that?

00:00:55:21 - 00:01:14:42
I don't even know. Depressed freelancing is still going great. The last episode I think I put on this like the podcast aspect of this like was a while ago and my whole idea was to do like a year in review of like how my first year went. I don't really want to do that. Kind of bored of that.

00:01:14:43 - 00:01:38:13
Obviously I'm still here making a living, etc. and the depression in my life has been everything related to, you know, everything but my work. I'm very happy still with my work. Also, I literally like what I mean. I finally suddenly got inspiration. I got out of my bed and literally sat here. So that is why I look like this.

00:01:38:13 - 00:02:09:52
But whatever. Yeah, work is going great. Everything outside of work is like, kind of okay. Just really not lost. Just, I don't know, just depressed. And I don't know if anybody else can relate to that. And that's kind of part of the motivation to actually be sitting here and doing this. If anybody relates to that, being depressed. But anyway, I have had a lot of ideas for this page, for this podcast, and I just want to get back in to a routine.

00:02:09:52 - 00:02:44:31
And I think adding video to this might help. I don't particularly like looking at myself, but I don't know, maybe it's just a little bit more connected and like I have seen the trend of podcasts turning into video podcast lately and I love it. I literally love sitting and watching the podcast. Like what? I just think that's really funny how the industry has changed to that.

00:02:44:31 - 00:03:15:58
Here's my whack at it. I don't know if it'll get any more upscale to this. I like I like this right now. I'm a human. My cable management, this is a new computer. I got. I got a gaming computer I like. That's another thing. Like, I wanted to start streaming like video games, but also, like, set up a discord for for other, like, creatives and just like to brainstorm with each other and like, just be a resource for other creatives.

00:03:16:03 - 00:03:47:58
Some people who might follow this page, like I've written your resume for you and like that is something that I am really passionate about. And like just having tangible resources for creatives is something that's really important to me and what I kind of want to hone in on and I don't know, maybe livestreaming and doing that, maybe just having a discord community where people have access to me in whatever regards that means, like I just want to start beefing up.

00:03:48:12 - 00:04:10:27
Like actually being of help to people. In this moment, I'm kind of feeling like imposter syndrome of like, why do you think people want to, like, reach out to you and, like, pick your brain and like, do? Why do people why would people want to reach out to you? But I'm like, shut up. That literally is my overthinking.

00:04:10:31 - 00:04:35:17
I can sit here and say that I'm a successful 24 year old, whatever the fuck that means. And I do have people in my every day who come up to me and ask these sorts of questions. So it's not all in my head. I'm not a narcissist. I just had to put that out there. But yeah, I don't I don't really know what else I wanted to talk about in this little thing.

00:04:35:23 - 00:05:17:31
Let me see if anything else comes to mind. I've already the ADHD has. This is a pen. You can't even see it. I found it on my floor, so I. There's a lot going on in my life right now, too, if anybody was wondering. So. And I'm sure other people can relate to this. Student loan payments are starting have started, and I kind of made an executive decision to move home to Florida so I can just move home for a year, pay my student loans off in a year rather than 25 years.

00:05:17:36 - 00:05:41:42
That that's kind of the biggest thing that has changed in my life recently. I currently live in New York. I have lived in New York since I graduated college. And it's not to say that I'm not making a comfortable living here. I'm making a very comfortable living, but just not enough to pay off this debt that I have in a timely manner.

00:05:41:47 - 00:06:14:48
And like I something I've been coming to realization of within the past year since I've posted on this page is that I am happy with my job and I don't want to get stuck in the turmoil of just make more money and just make more money and just make more money. And I don't know, I'm assuming most people who listen to this right now are my friends and family, and you can relate to how expensive it is to live in New York.

00:06:14:52 - 00:06:38:29
It's criminal, but like also love it here. But yeah, I just don't want to get stuck in like the whole hustle culture too much. I don't know, just moving home to Florida. I'm I'm about to be 25 in May. This is the last opportunity I'm going to get to, like live back home for a year. And I kind of just want to take advantage of it because I didn't.

00:06:38:29 - 00:07:06:39
I graduated college and I went straight into the workforce, which I'm happy about, but very thankful that student loan payments have been deferred so long they still should be deferred, but whatever, they should just be forgiven, but whatever. So yeah, that might not that's not happening until March. Right now. It is December. It is freshly December. It is December 1st.

00:07:06:46 - 00:07:34:36
So but March is going to come up quick. But another thing that happened in my life with which was just recently was at my main gig at I'm sure you know from my Instagram, I do my main gig is audio at the United Nations. I have an opportunity to take a full time position there, and I'm considering it.

00:07:34:40 - 00:08:03:20
I'm considering it. And I kind of had my own internal struggle with that because I was like, my whole thing is like freelance. Like it's better than the traditional job and blah blah, blah, blah, blah. And me taking this possibly taking this full time position so doesn't negate that I've been freelancing now for two years and almost two years a year and a half, two years, and I am making good money.

00:08:03:25 - 00:08:35:45
I'm making more money than I did at either. My job is for that. We're full time. I'm happy getting to choose my, you know, nothing to negate anything that I have been positively saying about freelancing for the past, whatever. And yeah, I was having these internal struggles of like, that's what your whole thing is about. But also, like I was saying, within this year, I have kind of wanted to change what this whole page is about of like, I just want to help other creatives be successful.

00:08:35:49 - 00:08:58:08
So if that means getting somebody a full time creative job like that, like that's still a win. You don't have to be freelancing as a you know. But I also want to teach people how to freelance properly because it is really helpful if you know what you're doing. And a lot of the stuff in the creative industry when you're first starting out is freelance.

00:08:58:08 - 00:09:19:26
So like learning how to navigate it, it's still an important skill and something that I'm still very passionate about, and I wouldn't be offered this full time opportunity if I didn't freelance in the first place. So just want to say that. Yeah. And another reason why I'm considering it is it's not just like a regular regular like just it's not an administrative role.

00:09:19:26 - 00:09:49:21
It's not it's literally doing audio operating, which is, my lovely boyfriend is calling me. Sorry, Trevor. It would be doing exactly like what I want to do in my career or what I'm currently most passionate about, which is, you know, I started learning an audio board which has been really, really fun. So that's on the horizon. It's kind of an update of I might be moving to Florida.

00:09:49:22 - 00:10:21:07
And here's the other thing. Moving to Florida like is a big change for me. And I'm glad that I have the flexibility because of freelance where it's like I can leave. I still probably might fly up here to work because the gigs that I have up here are still so good. It's just expenses right now. And the contracting company that I work for here that employs me at the UN and two of the other gigs that I do like, they have opportunities I like.

00:10:21:07 - 00:10:43:14
I just got an email today from the recruiter that I reached out to and was like, Hey, you can there's an opportunity in Jacksonville, Florida, like, so I can just slide right into it and not for nothing. I would love to little maybe poke around and see if I can get into like Disney or, you know, Universal and do something there.

00:10:43:19 - 00:11:14:10
So it's just these doors are presenting themselves and another thing I'm really passionate about is just financial literacy and like teaching young individuals about finances. Not that I'm an expert, but like I'm smart in the way that some people aren't with with money and math and like those sorts of things. So like this decision to move to Florida is a smart financial decision in a way.

00:11:14:15 - 00:11:43:10
And even with the full time position, that's presenting itself like this is my first time, like having to negotiate a salary, like I have to go in there and ask for. So to be fully transparent because that's another thing I am projected to make about 75 to 80000 after this year, which is like double from what I made last year and it's all been working on my own.

00:11:43:17 - 00:12:09:16
So in order for this full time position to be worth not moving home, I have to go in and I have to like ask for like a $95,000 salary, which is terrifying me. So that's another thing that I like want to record the process of that because that's something that is useful. So that is currently what's going on with me.

00:12:09:21 - 00:12:36:16
I want to get back into doing this more routinely. And I think I think maybe this video might inspire me a little bit more. I, I don't think that the the background is going to get any prettier than this. It's kind of cool. I don't know. But sorry for the ramble. I really I, I feel comfortable doing this more than like writing out a script.

00:12:36:16 - 00:12:55:57
Like I was not enough nothing to say about all my old content that I was like, doing or whatever. It's just I think this is more relatable and this is more comfortable for me and is actually more inspiring and motivating for me to get out of my bed and do it. And like when I have all these ideas to sit down and record them and do it.

00:12:55:57 - 00:13:12:51
So thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. I don't know. I don't know where this video is going to go. Who knows? But until next time? Well, I don't even know what the sign off would be. I'm just going to say talk to you later or something. I don't know. Peace, peace, love and peace.